Inside Horween Tannery

Inside Horween Tannery

As many of you know, Horween is one of the most renowned names in the leather business and has been around for decades. They are known for produci...

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Law Tanning in Milwaukee, WI

Law Tanning Visit

Diving into the world of leather tanning is not an opportunity that presents itself every day. During our time in Wisconsin, We were fortunate enou...

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D.R.Dietrich Beamhouse Visit

D.R.Dietrich Beamhouse Visit

Beamhouse operations are basically the prep work needed to get leather ready for the next big steps: curing and tanning. Think of it like getting ...

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Brand Updates

Happy Holidays!As 2024 rolls in, we want to give you all a heads-up about some interesting stuff we've got coming up at Caswell.Here’s What’s New f...

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